Our care equips students with the skills and support they need to regulate their thoughts and emotions, manage their stress, and reduce associated suicidal ideation and behavior.
College student deaths attributable to suicide2
Student who know someone who has died by or attempted suicide3
Transgender or gender-nonconforming graduate students experience suicidality3
1. University of Michigan. [online] Available at: https://caps.umich.edu/articl…-0#:~:text=According %20to%20the %20first%20National 2.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). WISQARS Leading Causes of Death Visualization Tool. [online] Available at: https://wisqars.cdc.gov/lcd/?…=lcd2age&a1=0&a2=199 3. Welding, L. (2023). [online] www.bestcolleges.com. Available at: https://www.bestcolleges.com/…research-statistics/.
Suicide claims the lives of 1,100 students each year, while 24,000 make an attempt. The significant transition of moving away from home, new social dynamics and increased academic pressures, coupled with early childhood experiences and trauma, can significantly impact a student’s mental health.
Working alongside your campus clinic, Vita Health quickly connects students to outpatient life saving suicide care without the need for hospitalization.
Specialized in suicidality and experienced in a wide range of mental health challenges, our clinicians enable students to access tailored support, from home or campus, while continuing to engage in their studies.
With customizable programs for universities of any size, Vita Health’s timely and accessible support enables individuals to access care at their convenience, at an affordable cost for clients.
Our measurable clinical outcomes are shown to be up to 80% more effective than treatment as usual 5
Curated by a team of leading suicide experts, Vita Health’s clinically validated, suicide intervention is supported by multiple peer-reviewed studies published by our team in journals including JAMA and The American Journal of Psychiatry.
5. King CA, et al. JAMA Psychiatry. 2019;76(5):492-498
If your student requires support beyond suicide care, Vita Health is able to provide general therapy and medication management for a range of mental health challenges for an additional cost.
Vita Health’s diverse team of providers are licensed to treat patients across the continental US. Specialized in suicide intervention and adolescent mental health, our team are provided with ongoing weekly training and case support that ensures treatment fidelity.